
MÚ KÙNÉ – Part 1

Article published on November 6, 2018

Meeting with Liberian first surfer community

In June 2018, Damien Castera and his friend Arthur Bourbon travelled to Africa in order to make a documentary film about Liberia.
They went there to witness the history of the first surfing community in this country, devastated by 15 years of civil war.

During this adventure, they met children who have swapped rifles and weapons for surfboards.

In Robersport, a village which was completely blasted by the civil war, a small group of surf enthusiasts uses their new born passion as a vector for both personal growth and local development.

« We are using surf to offer a better life to children, thanks to peace notions & also thanks to environmental and cultural responsibilities. We also teach to them how to swim & first-aid interventions while they are learning how to surf »

For Arthur and Damien, the main purpose of their trip was not to surf the most beautiful waves in the country but to share them with the very first generation of Liberian « child surfers ».

A feature-length documentary is currently being edited and will be available in early 2019!

Here is a short film introducing their journey: