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Picture Your Impact : Summer 14 Collection

Article publié le 15 juillet 2014

éco prod


Based on the carbon footprint calculation tool developed with AIR – the Picture Your Impact – we are happy to announce that our 2014 spring / summer collection has saved the equivalent of nearly 140,000 km driving, which is almost 3.5 times around the Earth!

How did we do it? We calculated the CO2 emission of each Picture product, according to its weight, its composition, and the factory where it is made. This gives us a figure in kg CO2 equivalent emitted. To calculate the savings compared to traditional manufacture, we do a second calculation without the percentage of recycled and organic materials.

The difference between these two calculations gives us the saving in kg CO2 equivalent that we then multiply by the production volume of each item.
Finally we use the Ademe emission factor (the average CO2 emission of a one km drive by car is 0,256) to have the amount of saved emitted CO2 in equivalent km covered by car

Now it’s your turn! Calculate your own footprint with Picture Your Impact