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Vincent Milou got 2nd at the AM Street League !

Article publié le 3 septembre 2013


This is the breaking news story of the new season! Vincent Milou, 16, finished second in the amateur Street League. On his return to France we took the time to talk with him to find out more about his adventure.
This is his story :

1 / Hi Vincent ! Before talking about the Street League, can you quickly introduce yourself?

So I ‘m Vincent Milou. I’m 16. I have been skating since I was 8 years old and I ‘m not ready to stop!

2 / tell us about your adventure in the U.S., originally you went there just for a skate camp right?

I went to the U.S. on August 2, to Woodward in Pennsylvania. The beginning of the adventure was rather difficult. I had to find my way around with just four words in English but things were even more difficult when I understood that people from Woodward were mistaken about the date I was meant to arrive and I found myself alone at the airport. I was joining the camp for two weeks, but after competing a contest I was allowed to stay one more and I won a final place at the amateur Street League in New Jersey where I finished second after Alex Midler. That made August enjoyable for me ;)! However I also had some bad luck. I slightly sprained my ankle one week before the Street League so I couldn’t skate Woodward : /

3 /Is the concept of the contest the same as the elite Street League? (Flow Control, Impact)?

No, there was only one run (flow) and we had only 3 chances to make one best trick on the park. That’s quite short! You’d better not fall …

4 / How did it work out for you? Did you pull off some nice tricks?

Pretty good in spite of the ankle pain after a sprain. I did not fall during my run. But I didn’t take too many risks by doing some simple tricks. Therefore I did not get a great score. For best tricks I managed to do what I wanted (frontside flip over the rail and backside flip tailslide to fackie on the hubba). So Alex Midler won. I finished second. It will remain a great memory!

5 / How would you describe Woodward in a few words, crazy?

Skating 13 different parks and driving around in a golf car is really crazy! But I missed French food a lot…

6 / What can you say about your first experience in the U.S.? Do you plan to return?

In one word: UNFORGETTABLE! Not only there are perfect spots at every street corner but also Americans are very friendly and sociable … They are full of joy. They made me realize that we only have one life to live and we have to enjoy this life! The smallest things make them happy! It really is a different way of life! I cannot wait to go back, hopefully next year if things go well …

7 / Over there, you preferred eating at Burger King or at McDonalds?

I don’t know. I like both. But what we use to say about Americans doing everything in a bigger way is not a myth! The small American coke is a French giant coke! And that for the same price! When I heard that I was very happy …

8 / Thank you Vincent for everything and congratulations again for your second place! The Picture Family

Thank you Picture Organic Clothing ! I would like to thank also Rekiem Skataboarding Buzzz sk8shop Hossegor and my family for helping me to finance this unforgettable trip, THANKS!

Semi Finals, still waiting for the finale.